Cold Prevention Protocol

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Cold Prevention Protocol

Ayurvedic Cold Prevention Protocol

Around fall and winter, as the warm season moves to cooler weather, this is the cold prevention protocol I do nearly every single day. This helps keep my body as flushed as possible of germs and bacteria and the dryness of cooler months. In this article, you will find links to all of the tools I use.

Morning Protocol

Scrape tongue- copper or stainless steel – this helps remove bacteria and germs and removes odor. In Ayurveda, observing the tongue gives us great information about our gut health as well!
Mouth Rinse with Sesame Oil– I like this particular sesame oil because it has very little odor and taste.
Drink a room temperature glass of water (I add Trace minerals, some people add lemon)
Alternate Nostril Breathing for a few minutes a day helps keep the sinuses clear and helps to clear your mind. Try this practice on my Youtube Channel and don’t forget to subscribe to get new videos!

Evening Protocol

Dry brushing is great for lymph drainage and helps brush off all the dry, dead skin cells. I follow up with abhyangha.
Abhyangha- massaging body with sesame oil to lubricate dry skin. In the cold weather our skin gets dry and flaky. Sesame oil is natural and unlike lotion doesn’t put a bunch of chemicals in our largest organ, the skin. I like to do this after my shower, but some people choose to do it during their shower.
Neti Pot or Neti Med Sinus rinse– I do this one time per day and follow up with nasya oil as the salt can be drying to the nose.
Nasya Oil – I order mine from Banyan Botanicals to lubricate sinuses after Neti rinse.

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When I work with individuals in private yoga therapy programs through tele-health and in-person, I am sure to share my knowledge of Ayurvedic principles and protocols to help the WHOLE person. Contact me to learn more about how I can help you reach your health goals this year!