
Tag: Balance

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

breathe better yoga therapy


We breath in and out an estimated 17,000-23,000 times a day without thought and breathing is a missing pillar of health?


Self-Study (Swadhaya) The 4th of the Niyamas in Patanjai’s Yoga Sutras. If there is anything that is a life-long practice, then self-study would be it! Just when we think we have learned something, there we go, struggling with it all over again. Swadhaya is earning about why we have certain habits, learning what we believe,…
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Asteya The third yama, or moral code in yoga, is Asteya. Asteya means generosity, giving, prosperity. This is one I have personally been working a ton on. I have a lot of beliefs ingrained in my DNA passed down from generations of middle class families, surrounding money. And money is a big part of asteya.…
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