
Tag: yamas

Waterfall Yoga Therapy


This week look around you and release anything that holds an energy of greed, fear, obligation, longing, or attachment. What can you let go of to lighten your load, to lift the weight from your shoulders? A great social distancing time filler. In addition, can you give appreciation for your current situation? No matter what…
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When I meditated on the subject of brahmacharya this week, I discovered that I was currently depleting my ojas on work. While growing my business is very important to me, I could feel other things falling by the wayside. I had been slacking on the one-on-one time with my son and it was causing us…
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The fourth of the five yamas, which literally translates to “walking in God-consciousness” or mindful thought watching. Brahmacharya also known as self-control, restraint, or balance asks us to look at how we are choosing to expend our energy. ——————– Take a moment and consider how you are currently using your energy by allotting a percentage…
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The Sutras

I am reading a book called True Yoga by a fellow yoga therapist, Jennie Lee. It’s great and has gotten me to thinking about the roots of yoga and the yoga sutras, so while I study the sutras once again, I thought I’d bring some of what I am learning and considering to my readers.…
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