
Tag: anxiety

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Dream Journal

Have you done a dream journal? I have dabbled in dream journaling in the past to help me recall my dreams and see how my subconscious was playing things out in my mind. It’s very simple really. How to dream journal You take a journal and create a dividing line down the center. On the…
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Mantras help to cultivate self-care and influence a more positive outlook on life. Mantras assist in changing negative thought patterns or worrisome thoughts into something more beneficial to the body, mind, and spirit. A mantra will reconnect us with deeper self and help to change the brain, removing deep seated and well-traveled worrisome thoughts, to…
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What Steals Your Time value yoga therapy

What Steals Your Time?

What steals your time? Time is precious and man does it fly! So consider this week and journal: What steals your time?Some examples from my list:*Habits*Thoughts*Worries*Gossip*Judgement*Concerns of the future*Social Media*News platforms What are yours? How is this serving you? If these things are only causing dukkha (suffering) why not instead acknowledge the time these things…
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8 Limbs of Yoga Continued

The 8 Limbs of Yoga Pranayama It’s been awhile since I have written on the 8 limbs of Yoga. We have covered the yamas or abstinences, the niyamas or observances, asana the postures, which leads us to the 4th limb today: Pranayama or breath control. Prana is our life force, our energy, our breath making…
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Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a Buddhist moving meditation that uses the experience of walking as the focal point to help you ground and be in the present moment. Some of the benefits of walking meditation: *Deeper connection to the environment*Reduces anxiety*Reduces depression*Improves concentration and focusAs Spring is hopefully just around the corner, I dream of walking…
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