
Tag: Wellness

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Yoga is

What is yoga to you? To me this is what yoga is. Many of us struggle to find out purpose in this life. We thirst for the answer to where we belong. Crave the idea that we leave behind a legacy when we exit this planet. We yearn for direction, peace, happiness, clarity, and the…
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Wellness Retreat Preparation Tips

You’ve scheduled a wellness retreat and you can’t wait to escape for a bit from the daily grind.  But what if there were a way to get more bang for your buck with these wellness retreat preparation tips? Before the Retreat First, begin to mentally prepare for change, growth and learning.  You are going to…
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In yoga therapy we talk about how important visualization is in overcoming chronic pain.  When a body part is in pain we can visualize the movement of that part in our mind, without actually moving it, and change our pain! Yes, it’s incredible, our thoughts become things! With the power of our mind, we can…
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Asteya The third yama, or moral code in yoga, is Asteya. Asteya means generosity, giving, prosperity. This is one I have personally been working a ton on. I have a lot of beliefs ingrained in my DNA passed down from generations of middle class families, surrounding money. And money is a big part of asteya.…
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Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a Buddhist moving meditation that uses the experience of walking as the focal point to help you ground and be in the present moment. Some of the benefits of walking meditation: *Deeper connection to the environment*Reduces anxiety*Reduces depression*Improves concentration and focusAs Spring is hopefully just around the corner, I dream of walking…
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