Creating Sacred Space

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Creating Sacred Space

One of my greatest tips for creating sacred space to develop a daily yoga practice whether that be meditation, chanting, a movement practice, or pranayama (breath) practice is to be sure you have an intentional designated space in your home that makes you want to practice. Creating sacred space should be a quiet nook where you are reminded that your practice is a vital component of your daily success. It should be a space that is inspirational and that beckons for you to come and take a seat. You may choose to have all of the elements symbolized in your space; earth, water, fire, air, and ether.


You may choose to have an image or picture of something spiritual, someone you love, or someone that inspires you in your sacred space. I have a stone cross that was gifted to me by people that inspire me to be a better person. I also have plants because they add color and make me happy. Add candles for ambience, light, and the fire element. I have my singing bowl nearby which incorporates the ether element and element of sound. I also keep the books I am reading or books that inspire me nearby. Add a bolster and a yoga mat that gives me a comfortable and clean space to practice from.

Lastly, here are some things I suggest putting in your sacred space to help it feel like home and a place you’ll want to return to again and again. You can find some of these items on my recommended products page here.

*Yoga Mat (if there is space for that)

*Rug or meditation cushion (a pillow or blanket will do)

*Colors that appeal to your eye

*Your vision board (or inspirational quotes/affirmations)

*Mala beads

*Incense or a candle or essential oils

*Vase of flowers

*Your favorite music

*Gemstones or crystals that appeal to you

*Photos of people you love

*Spiritual items that give you hope, faith, and inspiration

*Yoga props or self-massage tools

Once you are all set join me for a meditation on Insight Timer or for one of my On Demand Classes or even better join me virtually!