
Waterfall Yoga Therapy


My most popular selling yoga therapy on demand series is all about FASCIA!

Fascia is densely woven connective tissue. Similar to a spider web or the sheath of an orange, that covers and connects all of our bodies organs and structures and provides stability. It holds together every organ, nerve fiber, muscle, and bone in your body. It has the ability to stretch and move but physical trauma, scars, inflammation, injury, poor posture, and stress cause it to lose pliability and it can become thick and sticky. This restriction of fascia causes a shortening of muscle tissue. This leads to tightness that quickly becomes a source of pain and immobility. And I’m sure we all recognize this sensation, right?

My self-massage five class yoga series contains techniques that apply pressure and movement to the restricted areas. This relieves tension and improve flexibility as well as accesses trigger points. Yoga postures, somatic movements and static stretches will be performed. These techniques not only to warm the muscles, but also to give you the ability to set a baseline of before massage and the end result after. This is where we are able to see real results in mobility. And the best part is you can be a newbie to yoga!


Pain is changeable! If you are in pain, self-massage technique can be a great addition to your pain management routine. I have had great success teaching my clients how to relieve pain with fascia self-massage technique and you can do it all from the comfort of your home on your own timeline.

As a yoga therapist I pride myself on making sure every person in my class is comfortable and that I offer as many modifications as necessary. These classes will walk you through massage and movement of different body parts throughout our entire human system. Some parts are more easily accessible on the floor, against a wall, using props such as yoga blocks, or in a chair. Our body weight and gravity do much of the work for us, however sometimes gravity can be too much. You may choose to have a chair, blocks, and floor and wall accessibility when practicing with me in your home.

Prior to beginning this particular on demand series you will need to purchase some equipment and gather some supplies. Then prepare a space for when you practice at home or in your office. Don’t worry, the equipment is fairly inexpensive and I promise you won’t regret your purchases! They will be worth every penny once you get started making these classes a part of your weekly or daily habit. Of course, if you have something similar to the equipment I am describing below, by all means give that a go and save a few bucks!

These classes are yours to keep to watch again and again! You may also enjoy my pain education course on alternative therapies to pain management!

Products you’ll need

First, you’ll need some tools. You can buy some of the products listed below through my website, making the selection of choices an easy one for you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Check them out here: https://waterfallyogallc.com/recommended-products

Items you WILL NEED during the series:

Items you might want to have:

We will learn self-massage technique in this self-paced course for muscles from head to toe! If you would prefer private yoga therapy in person or virtual sessions schedule your free 15 minute phone consult here.