Practice Yoga Somatically

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Practice Yoga Somatically

How to Practice Yoga Somatically

Get the maximum benefit from the exercises by following these simple steps:

1.Keep your attention on the sensations of movement. Practice with your eyes close to gain internal awareness of your bodies patterns and to begin to change the body on a neurological level.

2.Do your exercises on a firm surface away from distractions.

3.Move slowly to give your brain time to notice all the changes happening as you move.

4.Pause between exercises to notice your soma (living body) and sensations.

5.Move gently and with relaxed effort. Do not force any movement or move in a way that creates pain. All of the movement patterns shown in this video are normal movements of the musculoskeletal system and are harmless. Stay within the comfortable range of motion rather than trying to go beyond.

6.Be persistent, patient, and positive. Somatic yoga is not a “quick fix” but rather a lasting change that is intended to improve your posture, range of motion, and comfort levels.

7. This video is simply a guide, to allow you, the student, to increase your sensorimotor awareness with the goal of retraining your nervous system. This experience of self-awareness and assessment of sensations and your own personal performance.

8.These practices show best results when done daily upon awakening or before you go to sleep. Some people experience significant change almost immediately, for others it takes longer.

9.Journaling can be helpful to record insights after each practice.

Book Recommendations on Somatics

Book recommendations to learn more:
Somatics by Thomas Hanna
How the Body Works by Eleanor Criswell Hanna

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