Yoga is

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Yoga is

What is yoga to you? To me this is what yoga is.

Many of us struggle to find out purpose in this life. We thirst for the answer to where we belong. Crave the idea that we leave behind a legacy when we exit this planet. We yearn for direction, peace, happiness, clarity, and the knowing that we are on the right path. Yet we busy ourselves with cultural distractions. Waste time on relationship drama. We blind ourselves with addictions so that we don’t have to face reality. Lie to ourselves that “this” is enough. We quit before we have an opportunity to fail. Shy away before someone has an opportunity to tell us all the ways we have done it wrong.

This is the beauty of humanity. The longing to know we are part of something bigger than ourselves and the absolute freedom to choose what kind of person we will become.

Yoga is One Path

Yoga is the path through this journey of humanity. It provides us with a framework to live by. A time to be embodied and reflect on what is serving us and what shackles us. Yoga is the connection to a higher power, the thread that links us to something profound that reminds us we are worthy, we are whole, and complete. We settle in our seat, we close out distractions, and we enter the solitude of this breath, There we find the spark that is contained safely under the layers of who we are becoming. We peel away the layers of trauma. judgment, attachment, discontentment, and the lies we have been told. And for a brief moment we are liberated, we are united, we are one.

Each time I lead yoga I feel a powerful shift in energy. For some I feel a fear– that they have connected to something they aren’t ready for. Those people won’t step foot on a mat again most likely until they are ready if ever. Others I feel the same pull towards new beginnings that I had. I feel their hunger to learn more. to respond differently in actions, to be present, to move through this life in a new profound way. And what an honor it is to hold the space for this metamorphosis and to be a witness to the flow of life in other beings.

Yoga is the way home to the Self. It is a celebration of what and who we are in this moment. It is the lamp that lights our way home when we feel lost and it is the gentle reminder that we are already there.

Learn More

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram @waterfallyogatherapy to learn more about what I offer. Or take a private yoga therapy session when you want to deepen your practice in yoga or when you want to try something new that allows you to grow and develop as a human. Subscribe to my Youtube channel and try a few free videos on YouTube and learn more about how I got here. Listen to a meditation on Insight Timer. There are lots of ways to discover what yoga is, let me help!