Yoga Therapy Provides Motivation

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy Provides Motivation

It’s a problem of motivation Bob. Most of us experience at some time (or all times in our lives) a problem of motivation. I’m here to show you yoga therapy provides motivation you need to get healthier in 2023.

First, let’s discuss extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation is external incentive that change a person’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. You are half as likely to stick to your exercise regime if you are extrinsically motivated. Some examples of extrinsic motivation are weight loss, appearance, and socializing. While most of us identify with these motivators they aren’t going to keep you in the game.

Intrinsic motivation is motivation from internal rewards without attachments to results or just because it is satisfying to you. Intrinsic motivation makes it more likely you will stick with your healthcare or exercise plan long term. Some examples of intrinsic motivation are satisfaction, pleasure, purpose, mastery, autonomy- sense of independence, and personal fulfillment. This means more energy, better sleep, a sense of accomplishment, feeling stronger, more flexible, more balanced, and happier. Who doesn’t want that?

And the universal motivators for all people everywhere is the things we all desire more of love, health, and time.

How can yoga therapy provide motivation, particularly, intrinsic motivation?

A yoga therapist will first help you set a specific, attainable goal. Next, a yoga therapist will help you visualize the end result. Empower you to take action and develop a goal or plan that you can stick with long term. In addition, help you to recognize and celebrate the little accomplishments. Plus, increase your self-esteem and challenge you to attain your goals and create new one. Yoga therapy provide motivation to peak your curiosity and keep you wanting to learn more. Lastly, a yoga therapist helps you to achieve further satisfaction by being an accountability partner in other’s health.

With yoga therapy providing you with intrinsic motivation, motivation will no longer be a problem!

How do I get started?

Schedule a private consult with a certified yoga therapist. These appointments and all future sessions can be in person or virtual. Sarah has helped hundreds of people feel better in their bodies and reach their health goals. Check out these testimonials. If private yoga therapy is outside your budget check out an affordable retreat or on demand courses to get your started with Yoga Therapy skills.