Author: admin

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Practice Yoga Somatically

How to Practice Yoga Somatically Get the maximum benefit from the exercises by following these simple steps: 1.Keep your attention on the sensations of movement. Practice with your eyes close…
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Stress Affects Posture

Our stress affects posture. During the course of our lives our sensory motor systems respond to daily stress and trauma through specific muscular reflexes. These are reflexes which we can’t…
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Somatic Yoga Therapy

Soma means living body. Somatic yoga therapy changes your body by teaching your brain. The objective of somatic yoga is to release your body from habitually and unconsciously contracted muscles.…
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You Have a Purpose

You are here on purpose, for a purpose. Close your eyes and sit within yourself. Let go of everything else. When you tune into your body and let the outside…
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Hum for Peace

What benefits are there from humming? A simple practice anyone can do almost anytime of day, hum for peace! Nasal breathing has many benefits such as increasing the oxygen in…
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