Author: Sarah Cummins

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Chaos vs Clarity

I’ve been reading the book Chatter The Voice in our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness it by Ethan Kross the past few weeks and I highly recommend…
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Does Your State Allow Yoga in Schools?

Alabama just overturned its 30 year ban on yoga in schools insisting that if we teach yoga we only teach “poses and stretches” and do NOT use any sanskrit, guided…
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retreat center restorative self-care

Value Self-Care

Do you value your own self-care and what does that mean? Poem … your husband and children will take from your platewe will emotionally and mentally starve youall of it…
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Fear of Public Speaking

Fear of public speaking is also known as glossophobia. I remember reading once that most people state they would rather die for fear of public speaking. I mean, I dislike…
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creating sacred space yoga therapy practice

Creating Sacred Space

Creating a space for daily ritual and routine that makes you want to keep coming back.