Ayurveda and Yoga for Women

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Ayurveda and Yoga for Women

Ayurveda and Yoga for Women is an important topic to address. Women of all ages struggle with symptoms that society considers normal. What we aren’t being told by our doctors (most of them) is that these symptoms are not normal. They are showing us signs of imbalance. Ayurveda and Yoga are both ancient wisdom’s and sister sciences that teach us to live more consciously aware of our bodies natural rhythms. Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves when listened to and given the proper tools and treatments to bring our rhythms back into a flow.

Common Symptoms that Aren’t “Normal”

  • PMS
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia and other sleep disruptions

In my next workshop Practical Wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga for Women, we will be uncovering the ancient techniques using Ayurveda and Yoga to understand your main dosha or natural make-up and how influences your health. We will explore various stages through a woman’s life; menstruation, conception, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. We will also learns some incredible daily self-care routines that will promote balance with fun yoga tools to support your health concerns. We will enjoy a guided meditation for relaxation and inner awareness and some breathing techniques to manage hormonal imbalances.

Sneak Peek

Did you know that during your menstrual cycle that you are in a pitta phase and need to reduce exercise doing simple things like breathing and meditation so that your body can eliminate what it doesn’t need? After your menstrual cycle you are in the kapha phase and your body needs more physical movement and intensity? That’s right! And when you enter perimenopause or menopause you are in a vata phase of life and need more meditation and discernment. Which phase are you in? What does your body need. Join us live in-person in Huntsville at the Holistic Wellness Collective, or register to join us virtually via zoom or to receive the recording. There is no reason to not show up for yourself this year.

Register for this workshop here. Listen to a free meditation on living authentically feminine! Want to see what other offerings are coming up? Check here.