
Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Wellness Retreat Preparation Tips

You’ve scheduled a wellness retreat and you can’t wait to escape for a bit from the daily grind.  But what if there were a way to get more bang for…
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We breath in and out an estimated 17,000-23,000 times a day without thought and breathing is a missing pillar of health?

Waterfall Yoga’s Origin Story

What is Waterfall Yoga’s origin story? How did we get here in North Alabama? If you haven’t seen the video of how I built the Waterfall Yoga Therapy community, have…
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Waterfall Yoga Has Moved

Waterfall Yoga Therapy has moved to a new location. It’s hard to describe the peace we feel being here. Twenty acres of serenity, that wasn’t always peaceful I’m sure, the…
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Try meditating and feel like a failure? How many struggle quieting the mind?  How many of you think yoga is separate from meditation? We’ve all recently seen a plethora of…
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