Category: Wellness

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Value Self-Care

Do you value your own self-care and what does that mean? Poem … your husband and children will take from your platewe will emotionally and mentally starve youall of it…
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You Have a Purpose

You are here on purpose, for a purpose. Close your eyes and sit within yourself. Let go of everything else. When you tune into your body and let the outside…
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Creating Sacred Space

Creating a space for daily ritual and routine that makes you want to keep coming back.

Hum for Peace

What benefits are there from humming? A simple practice anyone can do almost anytime of day, hum for peace! Nasal breathing has many benefits such as increasing the oxygen in…
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Self-Limiting Beliefs

What are some of your self-limiting beliefs? Self-limiting beliefs are assumptions you make based on your perceptions of life experiences. These beliefs may stem from things your parents said to…
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