Post Traumatic Growth

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Post Traumatic Growth

We have all heard of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) and probably all have some level of it for a trauma we have experienced in our lives. But what is this new term we keep hearing called Post Traumatic Growth?

Post traumatic growth (PTG) is the theory of finding positive change despite trauma; a sense of personal growth, a focus on helping others, or a renewed appreciation for life.

One Personal Example of PTG

This may sound like resiliency. However it is a form of “recovery” of trauma. PTG comes from an experience that affects people so greatly that it results in the person seeking a whole new belief system and resulting in profound positive change. My husband experienced a horrific event in Afghanistan. His post traumatic stress rocked him to his core. Causing him over a period of time to consider suicide, which forced him to seek out professional help. Once he worked through cognitive behavioral therapy techniques that helped him to deal with his PTS, he was able to find positive change and develop a new found sense of purpose in his life. This new purpose gave him a renewed appreciation for his family and his life. The personal growth allowed him to become a commander who found it vital to tell his airmen that their mental health needed to become their #1 priority. He helped many of his airmen through severe mental disorders and thoughts of suicide helping them to once again become productive and healthy individuals. This is just one of many examples of post traumatic growth that results from a traumatic experience or life event.

How Yoga Therapy Can Help

Post traumatic growth is the finding of new meaning in your life despite the trauma. It is the process of putting the awful event(s) you have experienced in a positive light through a transformational experience. The PTG may result in better communication, more personal strength, and reduced anger. As well as, a newfound appreciation for all things, stronger connections and relationships with people, and an increase in generosity. Not to mention, a deeper spiritual connection, a renewed sense of purpose that goes above and beyond your individual self. Yoga therapy can help individuals with PTS through mind-body practices. These mind-body practices empower individuals with the wisdom to overcome adversity and the ability to reconnect with themselves.

Schedule a 15 minute phone consult today to see if yoga therapy can help you achieve post traumatic growth!

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