Value Self-Care

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Value Self-Care

Do you value your own self-care and what does that mean?


… your husband and children will take from your plate
we will emotionally and mentally starve you
all of it is wrong
don’t let us convince you that
sacrificing yourself is how you must show love…

-Rupi Kaur in the sun and her flowers

This is an excerpt from a long poem on advice the author would’ve given her mother on her wedding day.

The Guilt You Feel When You Do Value Self-Care

When I read these words I thought of how many private yoga therapy clients have come to me depleted because their family has drained them of all energy. Many of them have divided their attention between the needs of spouses, children, siblings, aging parents, and work, and have completely diminished their own health to do so. They come to me at wits end not sure how to resolve any of their problems but with the hope that doing this one thing for themselves will lead to them putting themselves first, even for just an hour a week. Even though they feel selfish, (and are often told by people they love that they are being selfish), for doing this one thing to fill their own cup. Maybe you are familiar?

My heart aches for them. I have value self care by making it a part of my daily sadhana (practice). I remember what I was like before that. Literally falling apart at the seams to be a single parent, keeping a marriage together even when we were always apart. There was no time for self-care and I was lost and hurting.

We think that sacrificing our own health, time to do things we enjoy, and not spending money on ourselves will mean others will feel loved, cared for, and important.

Do you Value Your Self?

But what about YOU? You are deserving of your own cup being filled. You are deserving of pleasure, and joy, and being doted on, just as much as all those that you are sacrificing yourself for. My dear you are worth EVERY penny you put toward your own happiness. You are worth EVERY moment you spend doing something to better your mental, physical, and emotional health. You are worth EVERY “I’m sorry, I can’t help you right now, I’m taking care of me.”

Those people you cherish and care for need you to be healthy to continue to be their champion. But sometimes they don’t understand the damage they are doing until it’s too late. Be your own advocate. And if you don’t know how to value self-care, I will be here for you. I will be your advocate. I hear you. And I’m a damn good listener.

If you need help starting to value self-care reach out for help by scheduling a free 15 minute consult here. I will help learn to put yourself first at times. You can also now schedule retreats with me. Take a look at what’s coming on the schedule. Or schedule a custom retreat with friends here. You can also find on demand classes to watch on your own time that will help you build a personal daily self-care practice here.