
Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Safety and Yoga Therapy

Yoga is often portrayed in social media or on tv as something that doesn’t particularly looks safe to most people. Have you ever considered the safety of yoga therapy? When…
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Kegals Explained

To kegal or not to kegal that is the question! If you have had any type of pelvic dysfunction, pelvic pain, had babies (especially large ones) I would bet you…
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Pelvic Pain

Do you suffer from Pelvic Pain? Maybe it shows up as low back pain, hip pain, or digestive issues? Perhaps you have tight hamstrings and hip flexors? Pelvic floor dysfunction…
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Setting Boundaries

I have so many clients especially women who have trouble setting boundaries with family members, business, and friends. They are taken advantage of at home, at work, and in social…
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Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset

Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? If you don’t know the definition, can you take a guess at which kind of mindset you have? My guess…
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