Get Motivated

Waterfall Yoga Therapy

Get Motivated

It’s almost 2023 and we begin thinking about motivation to change. New goals and aspirations are most often sought after at the beginning of the year. What motivates you to exercise or to live well?

Here’s a consensus of what motivates most to get healthy:

Stress reduction

Manage weight

Social interaction




Improve Health

Look better

Health scare

Disease prevention

Comparatively, there are many reasons we never get started or quit shortly after we begin. What are your reasons for not sticking with a program or for not starting one at all?

The two most common reasons are:

• Time
• Lack of enjoyment

Other perceived barriers:
Fear, anxiety, negativity, depression
Fear of failure
Lack of support
Family values
Access to exercise facilities
Unpleasant climate for exercising

The #1 Excuse

Lets talk about one number one excuses I hear as a yoga therapist. “I don’t have enough TIME/MONEY.”

If you have used this excuse to avoid getting the help you need to feel better in your body, then this message is for you.

First, add up how many hours it took for your body to create this disease or dis-ease in your body? On top of that add the amount of time it took you to get a diagnosis and add up the number of doctors you had to see to find out what was causing the dis-ease. Similarly, add any time you had to put aside to have a surgery and recover from that surgery and all the doctors appointments before, after, and in between those surgeries. Additionally, when you add up all that time and the cost of all those appointments, even after insurance paid for all of those visits and surgeries, referrals and second opinions, what is your number of hours and number of dollars spent?

As a yoga therapist, I help you create priorities so your time and money is well spent. There is only one you and this one beautiful life to live. Let me help you put an end to the excuses and begin to really take charge of your health and well-being.

Motivate it up right now with the Breath of Joy!

Yoga therapists can help motivate you by helping you set goals and being your accountability partner. Schedule your free consult and private yoga therapy session today! Or take a virtual group class or on demand class with me to get motivated!